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All of the Grief Sheets

Then Get the Book by Kenda Summers

This is the book pet care professionals and pet owners are recommending

The book contains practical ways to live again...

When I lost my heart dog, there was no one to turn to that truly understood my sadness and grief. I have had so many things happen to me my entire life that lead to me writing this labor of love. And it truly is a labor of love. 

I am giving you the advice I wish I had as a griever. I want to be the best friend that you might not have by your side, someone who understands completely what it is you are going through. There are chapters on understanding grief better, dealing with guilt, a question and answer section, and of course many many heartfelt stories from people just like you that have lost someone that they love. I hope you find this book brings you the love and peace you are looking for. After all pain from loss is unavoidable – but suffering is optional.

Grief School:

Find companionship with people who have gone through similar experiences as you.

Discover how to deal with emotions, and to create new memories of the things that were good.

Discover how to make decisions about loss, grief, new pets, and change.

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